Mastering Java: Checking Palindromes Safely with Arrays.equals()
Mastering Java: Checking Palindromes Safely with Arrays.equals()

Fixing Java Palindrome Check: Why Your Code Returns False

Learn the correct way to check palindromes in Java by avoiding '==' array comparison pitfalls and using Arrays.equals().6 min

If you’ve spent hours trying to check if a number or string is a palindrome in Java, only to consistently receive false results, you’re not alone. Palindrome checks are common tasks in coding interviews and programming exercises, yet many developers stumble on subtle comparison errors.

What Exactly Is a Palindrome?

Simply put, a palindrome is a sequence of characters that reads exactly the same forwards and backwards. Numbers like 121 or strings such as “radar” and “level” are classic examples. On the other hand, numbers like 123 or words like “hello” are clearly not palindromes because they read differently when reversed.

Palindrome checks aren’t just basic programming exercises—they’re essential in areas ranging from encryption to bioinformatics algorithms. Recognizing patterns and efficiently verifying palindromes plays a significant role in debugging and optimizing software logic.

Analyzing Your Java Palindrome Code

Let’s start by examining a common example of Java code used to check palindromes that you’ve probably tried yourself:

public class PalindromeCheck {
    public static boolean isPalindrome(int num) {
        String numStr = Integer.toString(num);
        char[] original = numStr.toCharArray();
        char[] reversed = new char[original.length];

        for(int i = original.length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
            reversed[j] = original[i];

        return original == reversed; // problematic line

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(isPalindrome(121)); // Expected to return true

At first glance, this logic seems solid: convert the number to a character array, reverse it, and compare it to the original. But this simplistic comparison almost always returns false unexpectedly. Why?

A Common Pitfall: Using ‘==’ with Arrays in Java

The main issue lies right here:

return original == reversed;

This line is fundamentally flawed because the ‘==’ operator in Java doesn’t compare array contents. Instead, it compares whether the two arrays point to the exact same memory location. Since the reversed array is newly created, it occupies a different area in memory, causing your method to mistakenly return false.

Understanding this is key to debugging not only this issue, but also other common Java programming errors involving object comparisons.

The Right Approach: Using Arrays.equals()

In Java, when checking if two arrays contain identical elements in the same order, the correct method is using the built-in method Arrays.equals(). Updating the code snippet above, we get:

import java.util.Arrays;

public class PalindromeCheck {
    public static boolean isPalindrome(int num) {
        String numStr = Integer.toString(num);
        char[] original = numStr.toCharArray();
        char[] reversed = new char[original.length];

        for(int i = original.length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
            reversed[j] = original[i];

        return Arrays.equals(original, reversed);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(isPalindrome(121)); // Now returns true as expected
        System.out.println(isPalindrome(123)); // Correctly returns false

Now, running this corrected version accurately identifies correct palindromes.

Why Arrays.equals() Works and ‘==’ Doesn’t

The difference between ‘==’ and Arrays.equals() is best thought of in terms of comparing book covers versus comparing the content of the book. Think of the arrays as books. Using ‘==’ basically checks if they’re the very same book—it compares memory references. In contrast, Arrays.equals() opens each book and checks if each page and word is the same.

  • ‘==’ operator: Compares object references (memory locations)
  • Arrays.equals(): Compares the individual elements within the arrays

Hence, understanding which comparison method to use is crucial not just for palindrome checks, but for all your programming tasks involving arrays or objects.

Testing the Updated Palindrome Code

Let’s extend our updated method and test various cases, including edge conditions:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[] testNumbers = {121, 12321, 4554, 123, 10, -121};

    for(int number : testNumbers) {
        System.out.println("Is "+number+" palindrome? "+ isPalindrome(number));

Here’s the output you’ll now receive:

  • 121: true
  • 12321: true
  • 4554: true
  • 123: false
  • 10: false
  • -121: false (Though technically symmetrical, negative signs affect comparisons)

Negative numbers typically aren’t considered palindromes in practical scenarios, since the minus sign interferes with symmetry checks.

Best Practices for Efficient Palindrome Checking

To enhance the efficiency of palindrome checks, especially for interview scenarios, consider these tips:

  • Avoid unnecessary type conversions: If integer input is very large or performance-sensitive, perform arithmetic reversals directly on integers instead of converting to strings.
  • Early Exit: Compare characters or digits from both ends inward, exiting early if mismatch found.
  • Mind the edge cases: Clearly handle special cases like single-digit numbers or negative numbers.

Here’s a quick Java snippet demonstrating an arithmetic palindrome check without string conversions, which can be faster and more memory-efficient:

public static boolean isNumericPalindrome(int num) {
    if(num < 0) return false; // negative numbers aren't palindrome

    int originalNum = num;
    int reversedNum = 0;

    while(num != 0){
        int digit = num % 10;
        reversedNum = reversedNum * 10 + digit;
        num /= 10;

    return originalNum == reversedNum;

Try experimenting with this approach to deepen your understanding further.

Exploring More About Java Comparisons

Understanding palindrome checking also helps clarify other comparison issues in Java. For instance, when working with objects, you should consider the equals() method rather than '==' operator. Additionally, learning more about palindromes might inspire you to find and approach similar coding problems creatively.

For related approaches in JavaScript, you might also enjoy this article: Check Palindrome in JavaScript – Efficient Methods and Examples.

Continue Learning and Coding

Understanding why your palindrome check returns false and how to solve it sharpens your debugging skills significantly. Still curious? Here are some helpful resources for deeper learning:

Mastering these basics helps build a robust foundation for your Java journey ahead.

Have you encountered other common Java mistakes like these? Feel free to share your experiences or tips below—we'd love to discuss and discover more with you!

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Shivateja Keerthi
Hey there! I'm Shivateja Keerthi, a full-stack developer who loves diving deep into code, fixing tricky bugs, and figuring out why things break. I mainly work with JavaScript and Python, and I enjoy sharing everything I learn - especially about debugging, troubleshooting errors, and making development smoother. If you've ever struggled with weird bugs or just want to get better at coding, you're in the right place. Through my blog, I share tips, solutions, and insights to help you code smarter and debug faster. Let’s make coding less frustrating and more fun! My LinkedIn Follow Me on X


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