Fix CKEditor5 Widget UI with Proper Downcast/Upcast Converters
Fix CKEditor5 Widget UI with Proper Downcast/Upcast Converters

CKEditor5: Restoring Widget UI After Saving and Re-Editing Content

Fix CKEditor5 widget UI disappearing issue by correctly implementing downcast/upcast converters for reliable content editing.7 min

When working with CKEditor5 to create visually appealing content layouts, plugins that divide content into columns can dramatically enhance readability. These convenient widgets allow editors to structure complex information clearly.

Despite their usefulness, developers frequently encounter a frustrating snag: the widget’s editing UI disappears after saving and reopening previously edited content. This leaves editors wondering, “How can I safely restore widget UI and ensure my content remains easily editable after saving?”

Let’s address this common and puzzling CKEditor5 issue step-by-step and clarify the process to help you restore your widget’s editing capabilities effectively.

Understanding CKEditor Widgets and This Specific Issue

First, it’s helpful to understand exactly what a widget means within CKEditor5’s framework. Widgets are special editor elements designed to represent complex content blocks, such as column layouts, media embeds, and custom components.

Widgets include dedicated UI features, like drag handlers, customizable toolbar buttons, and clear boundaries. These elements make complex editing scenarios straightforward and user-friendly.

However, users commonly encounter glitches where, upon saving and re-opening their content, CKEditor loses its understanding of the widget structure, causing all specialized UI components to vanish. The content is still visible, but the crucial editing boundaries and toolbar functionalities disappear.

This can become a headache, especially for users reliant on structured layouts like columns. So, what’s actually causing these widgets to lose their editor UI when re-editing saved content?

Identifying Potential Causes of the Widget UI Loss

Most of the time, such issues stem from the way downcast converters work within CKEditor5. Specifically, the converters can fail to correctly recognize and reconstruct the widget during the editor’s initialization.

If the editor cannot interpret previously saved HTML content properly, it won’t render the original widget UI. The misalignment typically revolves around the proper use of editingDowncast and the recognition of widget HTML structure.

Typically, a valid question developers ask on places like Stack Overflow is whether the reason for this issue lies in how editingDowncast conversion is implemented.

Here’s an example code snippet that illustrates a basic custom column widget setup:

// Example editing downcast converter in CKEditor5
    model: 'columnBlock',
    view: (modelElement, {writer}) => {
        const container = writer.createContainerElement('div', { class: 'column-block' });
        return toWidget(container, writer, { label: 'column widget' });

If your conversion setup doesn’t exactly match saved HTML, CKEditor5 can struggle to recognize and reconstruct widgets when you reopen saved content.

Why the Downcast Process Matters Here

The downcast process in CKEditor5 is a mechanism used to transform model data (internal structured data) into the editor’s visible content. It essentially bridges the editor’s internal representation with the rendered HTML view.

For widget UI to restore upon re-editing accurately, your saved content and CKEditor5’s editor UI rendering rules must match perfectly. Typically, classnames define columns and their structure via CSS both in editing mode and when content is rendered on-page externally.

Suppose your original widget uses these special class names:

  • “column-block”: marks a div container as a widget
  • “column”: subcontainers for individual columns

You must ensure that the HTML structure saved during backend storage is consistent and recognizable by the editor upon reload. Otherwise, the widget wrapper cannot reconstruct itself, leading to the disappearance of the much-needed editing UI.

Proposed Solutions: Restoring Your Widget UI for Smooth Re-editing

Here are proven ways you can address and resolve the matter, ensuring your widgets maintain editor UI during subsequent edits:

  • Explicitly Define Model-to-View and View-to-Model Converters: Clearly define both model-to-view (downcast) and view-to-model (upcast) converters with matching structures. This will make CKEditor accurately recognize custom components each time content loads.
  • Use Unique Class Names Consistently: Assign consistent and unique class attributes across your columns, making them easy to distinguish. CKEditor uses these classnames during initialization to identify widgets correctly.
  • Ensure Saved HTML Matches CKEditor’s Widget Structure: The HTML structure saved to your backend must directly match CKEditor’s expectation. Double-check that it’s complete, without omitted class attributes or hierarchy differences.
  • Implement the “toWidget” method Correctly: Whenever creating widgets through editingDowncast, ensure you utilize CKEditor5’s built-in toWidget() helper method to ensure proper identification and behavior of widgets.
  • Inspect View & Model via CKEditor’s Inspector Plugin: Consider using the CKEditor5 inspector to step through your conversion processes in real-time. The inspector plugin dramatically simplifies debugging of such issues.

Here’s a suitable upcast converter snippet example to help CKEditor recognize column widgets upon fresh loads:

// CKEditor5 upcast converter example:
    view: {
        name: 'div',
        classes: 'column-block'
    model: (viewElement, {writer}) => {
        return writer.createElement('columnBlock');

By correctly implementing these matching converters, CKEditor5 efficiently identifies and reconstructs the widget UI every time content is loaded, eliminating frustrations for content editors.

Seeking External Assistance and Further Guidance

CKEditor implementation glitches can sometimes be tricky, even after substantial understanding. Therefore, if continuing problems persist, there’s no harm reaching out through dedicated community channels like the CKEditor documentation or Stack Overflow threads for targeted support.

The CKEditor community is quite active, especially regarding custom widget implementations. They’ll often point out nuances or hidden misconceptions quickly, saving your development team countless troubleshooting hours.

Remember, most issues are common, and someone before you has probably already tackled it. Searching relevant forums diligently saves development cost and effort significantly.

Finding the Way Forward with CKEditor5 Widgets

Experiencing CKEditor5 widget UI disappearance issues after saving content is understandably frustrating, especially because widgets significantly enhance your editing experience. They’re powerful tools to produce engaging, structured, and easily readable articles or pages.

Fortunately, ensuring editors regain their smooth widget UI rendering process after saved content loads isn’t overly complicated once proper converters and matching HTML structures align.

Hopefully, the advice and solutions outlined above have helped clearly demonstrate steps for overcoming widget UI disappearance issues. By reviewing your conversion logic thoroughly, adjusting implementation strategies, and possibly utilizing CKEditor inspector tools, your team will swiftly isolate and correct problems.

As you continue to improve your CKEditor5 integration, consider exploring related advanced JavaScript concepts and best practices on my JavaScript category page for more helpful insights.

Have you encountered similar widget restoration problem experiences or found an alternative & innovative resolution? Feel free to drop suggestions, insights, or questions in the comments!

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Shivateja Keerthi
Hey there! I'm Shivateja Keerthi, a full-stack developer who loves diving deep into code, fixing tricky bugs, and figuring out why things break. I mainly work with JavaScript and Python, and I enjoy sharing everything I learn - especially about debugging, troubleshooting errors, and making development smoother. If you've ever struggled with weird bugs or just want to get better at coding, you're in the right place. Through my blog, I share tips, solutions, and insights to help you code smarter and debug faster. Let’s make coding less frustrating and more fun! My LinkedIn Follow Me on X


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