Streamline Data Management: Merging SQLite to Text with Python
Streamline Data Management: Merging SQLite to Text with Python

How to Merge Two Text Files Generated from SQLite Tables into One

Learn to merge SQLite data into a single text file using Python, simplifying data management, analysis, and file handling.7 min

Working with databases often means juggling multiple text files. Imagine you have two tables in a SQLite database and you’ve exported their data into two separate text files. Now, for your current project, you need all that data neatly combined into one comprehensive file.

SQLite is a lightweight, easy-to-use database engine that stores data in tables. It’s popular for small applications because it doesn’t require server setup. Exporting data from SQLite into plain text files is a convenient way to share or analyze datasets, especially if you’re handling tasks such as backups, reporting, or data migration.

To get the text files from your SQLite database, you’ll first need to connect to it. Python comes in handy for this due to its simplicity and extensive database-support programs. Using Python’s built-in sqlite3 library, you can effortlessly access your database tables.

Let’s briefly overview how that looks:

Connecting and Retrieving Data from SQLite

First, you connect to your database file (.db or .sqlite) through Python. Once connected, you run a few straightforward SQLite queries to pull the data you need.

Here’s an example of retrieving data:

import sqlite3

# Connect to SQLite database
con = sqlite3.connect('your_database.db')
cursor = con.cursor()

# Fetch data from table1
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM table1")
table1_data = cursor.fetchall()

# Fetch data from table2
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM table2")
table2_data = cursor.fetchall()


Next step after retrieving your data: save each table’s data into a separate text file, keeping formats tidy and easy to navigate.

Saving SQLite Tables into Separate Text Files

The process involves looping through each dataset and writing it to a file. Python offers a neat way to achieve this with simple file operations.

Here’s how you’d write your SQLite data into text files:

# Function to write data to text file
def save_to_file(filename, data):
    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
        for row in data:
            line = ', '.join(str(item) for item in row)
            file.write(line + '\n')

# Save data from table 1 and table 2 to text files
save_to_file('table1_data.txt', table1_data)
save_to_file('table2_data.txt', table2_data)

Now, you’ve got two text files—let’s say “table1_data.txt” and “table2_data.txt”—each neatly organized with their data rows ready for analysis or presentation. However, there’s often a snag. Having multiple text files can complicate matters when you need unified, consolidated data.

Why juggling multiple files is a headache? Simply put, distributing data across files can lead to confusion and eventual mismanagement. Instead, merging these files makes your work much smoother, keeps your data consistent, and simplifies your analyses.

Let’s explore a simple method to combine these files into one comprehensive file efficiently.

How to Merge Two Text Files into One

The goal is straightforward: read the contents from both text files and append the contents into a new single file, ensuring no data loss or duplication.

This merging process typically looks like this:

  • Open each file separately.
  • Read their contents into memory.
  • Concatenate the contents.
  • Write the concatenated data into a new, unified file.

Here’s exactly how you can achieve this using Python:

# Function to merge two text files
def merge_files(file1, file2, output_file):
    # Read data from the first file
    with open(file1, 'r') as f1:
        data1 =

    # Read data from the second file
    with open(file2, 'r') as f2:
        data2 =

    # Write combined data into the output file
    with open(output_file, 'w') as output:
        output.write(data1 + '\n' + data2)

# Execute merge
merge_files('table1_data.txt', 'table2_data.txt', 'merged_tables.txt')

Run this snippet in Python and voilà! You’ve just combined your two text files into a single vibrant one, “merged_tables.txt”. Don’t forget to quickly open and double-check your merged file to make sure everything is as expected.

Why Merge Files at All?

So, you might wonder, why even go through the process of merging files in the first place? The benefits indeed outweigh the effort:

  • Streamlining Data Processing: Handling a single file is simpler and cleaner, especially in scripting and analysis contexts.
  • Improved File Management: Fewer files in your project folders mean less clutter, better file organization, and quicker access to data.
  • Efficient Analysis: Tools and software often prefer one consolidated file. Pandas or spreadsheet software like Excel performs better when dealing with fewer files.

Given today’s growing need for efficient database management, this minor adjustment in your workflow can boost productivity significantly.

Combining files originating from SQLite databases happens frequently during report generation or when preparing data for analytics engines. Mastering this merging approach ensures you’re equipped to handle data swiftly and effortlessly, regardless of your project’s complexity.

Moreover, this context doesn’t apply only to SQLite-generated files. If you’re working on a broader data workflow involving various data sources, knowing how to consolidate text files effectively is incredibly useful. You’ll find yourself utilizing this quick script often, becoming an essential part of your routine.

Another handy tip: automate this merging process entirely and save yourself even more time down the road. Consider creating script utilities to manage repetitive tasks or integrating these scripts into your existing data pipeline.

To quickly recap, here’s the essence of merging your SQLite-generated text files into one:

  • Extract your SQLite tables’ data into separate files.
  • Use Python for convenient file reading, merging, and outputting.
  • Consolidate the data into one file to streamline future usage.
  • Check the resulting merged file to confirm success.

The ability to merge files like this should never be underrated. It’s a simple tweak with significant real-world impact, helping you become more efficient and manage data with greater confidence.

Remember, straightforward Python scripts make this possible, easily adaptable for your own unique workflow and project requirements. Embrace it and enhance your data management today!

Have you discovered other methods that simplify your data management workflow? I’d love to hear about your favorite tips or issues you’ve run into—share your thoughts and ideas below!

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Shivateja Keerthi
Hey there! I'm Shivateja Keerthi, a full-stack developer who loves diving deep into code, fixing tricky bugs, and figuring out why things break. I mainly work with JavaScript and Python, and I enjoy sharing everything I learn - especially about debugging, troubleshooting errors, and making development smoother. If you've ever struggled with weird bugs or just want to get better at coding, you're in the right place. Through my blog, I share tips, solutions, and insights to help you code smarter and debug faster. Let’s make coding less frustrating and more fun! My LinkedIn Follow Me on X


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