Mastering Maven JavaFX: Fix Fat Jar Issues Quickly
Mastering Maven JavaFX: Fix Fat Jar Issues Quickly

Troubleshooting Maven Shade: Creating a Fat Jar for a JavaFX Application

Learn to fix Maven JavaFX "fat jar" issues: solve runtime errors, configure shade plugin correctly, and ensure JRE compatibility.7 min

If you’ve ever attempted to bundle a JavaFX application into a single executable jar (fondly called a fat jar) using Maven’s shade plugin, you probably stumbled upon some frustrating roadblocks. The process seems straightforward—run a few Maven commands, create a jar, and distribute your shiny new app—but the reality often involves a tangled web of puzzling error messages.

The goal of creating a fat jar for a JavaFX application is simple: package all required dependencies and runtime components into a single JAR file. That way, users can easily run your application without any additional configuration or setup. Let’s unpack how this process should go—and address the common issues you’ll likely encounter along the way.

Your First Attempt: Running the “mvn package” Command

Many Java developers initially turn to the simple command of:

mvn package

Running this command compiles your code and neatly places a jar file in the \target directory named something like distcalc-1.0.jar. At first glance, this seems promising. But when you excitedly double-click the jar to run your app, you might see the dreaded error message:

“Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application.”

You might then try a different approach, such as using the shade plugin directly in your command like so:

mvn package shade:shade

This command produces an interesting result: three new jars named distcalc-1.0.jar, original-distcalc-1.0.jar, and distcalc-1.0-shaded.jar. Many developers grab the shaded jar believing it contains every required dependency. Unfortunately, even after running the shaded jar, the JavaFX component error stubbornly persists.

So, what exactly is happening here?

Why You’re Experiencing JavaFX Runtime Errors

JavaFX isn’t like other Java libraries that seamlessly pack into your standard jar files. Starting from Java 11 and later versions, JavaFX became a standalone library. It isn’t bundled with the JDK anymore, so it’s treated as a normal dependency that must be handled explicitly.

When you attempt to run the generated jar directly, it fails because your jar might not contain the JavaFX platform libraries or modules required for launching a graphical application. That’s where Maven’s shade plugin and explicit configurations come into play.

Properly Configuring the Maven Shade Plugin

First, ensure that your Maven configuration explicitly includes the Maven shade plugin within your pom.xml. A standard configuration looks something like this:

          <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

Make sure to replace your.package.YourMainClass with your actual main class. Remember, even with this setup, JavaFX might still have trouble starting if your main class directly extends javafx.application.Application.

That’s why a common best practice is to have a separate main launcher class (for example, that doesn’t extend Application. This class merely serves as a launching point to call your actual JavaFX main class, which extends Application. Here’s an example structure:

public class AppLauncher {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

This setup avoids module initialization problems often faced by JavaFX applications packaged as fat jars.

Environmental Variables & OneDrive Sync Issues

Interestingly, another issue that’s caught developers off-guard is syncing projects with cloud-based applications like OneDrive. Strange issues can appear when opening jars directly from synced folders. You might notice sudden error messages indicating missing files or access issues upon runtime. This scenario can happen because file syncing tools sometimes lock files or restrict permissions.

A quick workaround is straightforward: copy your jar file temporarily to a non-synced local directory before executing your application. Or better yet, within your command line tool, run your jar directly using:

java -jar distcalc-1.0.jar

Often, this simple solution magically resolves those mysterious “file missing” errors.

JRE Compatibility Issues and Why They Matter

Another surprisingly common pitfall lies in compatibility between your jar file and the Java environments (JRE vs JDK). Developers sometimes notice their jar file runs well when launched from the JDK environment but fails to open with a standalone JRE.

Why does this happen? While the JavaFX application runs fine via IntelliJ IDEA or from a JDK, many standard JRE installations miss required modular components. Despite your JRE being up-to-date, it might still lack JavaFX modules. Installing a JRE distribution explicitly built with JavaFX—like the Liberica FX version—or adding JavaFX modules explicitly to the JRE can resolve these compatibility issues.

Common Mistakes Recap (Avoid These!)

  • Directly extending Application class in your main launcher class. Always use a separate class as the launcher.
  • Not including explicit Maven shade configurations into your pom.xml.
  • Ignoring environmental issues like workspace paths synced to OneDrive.
  • Expecting standard Oracle JREs to come bundled with JavaFX. Use JRE distributions specifically built for JavaFX compatibility.

Throughout this troubleshooting journey, many developers have realized how subtle yet powerful these considerations can be.

Moving Forward with a Clean JavaFX Fat Jar

The ideal scenario after troubleshooting these common pitfalls: your JavaFX application neatly packaged as a single shaded jar, launching successfully everywhere you run it—whether through IDEs, CLI tools, or double-clicking the jar file itself.

This experience provides valuable insights into JavaFX dependency management and the nuances of JDK vs JRE operations. The solutions covered here aren’t just workarounds but fundamental best practices you can rely on whenever bundling JavaFX apps.

Are you facing similar trouble packaging your Maven JavaFX application into a fat jar? Have other tricks or tips to share that solved similar issues? Drop a comment or share your experience—we’d love to hear your troubleshooting stories and solutions.

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Shivateja Keerthi
Hey there! I'm Shivateja Keerthi, a full-stack developer who loves diving deep into code, fixing tricky bugs, and figuring out why things break. I mainly work with JavaScript and Python, and I enjoy sharing everything I learn - especially about debugging, troubleshooting errors, and making development smoother. If you've ever struggled with weird bugs or just want to get better at coding, you're in the right place. Through my blog, I share tips, solutions, and insights to help you code smarter and debug faster. Let’s make coding less frustrating and more fun! My LinkedIn Follow Me on X


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